Uporządkowałam etykiety na blogu. Poniżej znajdziecie krótki słowniczek tagów, który pomoże Wam poruszać się po moich wpisach.
I have just reorganized labels on the blog. Below you can find a short tag dictionary. It may come in handy while browsing my articles and looking for some specific data.
udział bloga Mojej Kolekcji Naparstków w konkursie na bloga roku
in polish: participation of My Thimble Collection in blog of the year contest
konkursy/rozdawajki naparstkowe
in polish: competitions/thimble gifts
zdjęcia, informacje zawarte w certyfikatach
in polish: photos, information comming from thimble certificates
krótkie notki - ciekawostki
some interesting short notes
krótkie notki - ciekawostki
some interesting short notes
nie wprost o naparstkach
in polish: not directly about thimbles
in polish: not directly about thimbles
w czym przechowuję naparstki
in polish: my thimble displays
In english
wpisy o różnej tematyce w języku angielskim
everything in english: about blog, my thimble collection, thimbles from my collection, thimble stories, information about materials, shapes and patterns, manufactures, marks, exchange
I invite you also to look at polish version posts, where you will find many photos of thimbles. Moreover, there is a translator on the blog.
wpisy o różnej tematyce w języku angielskim
everything in english: about blog, my thimble collection, thimbles from my collection, thimble stories, information about materials, shapes and patterns, manufactures, marks, exchange
I invite you also to look at polish version posts, where you will find many photos of thimbles. Moreover, there is a translator on the blog.
kolekcjonowanie naparstków - zrób to sam!
in polish: collecting thimbles - do it yourself!
książki, albumy, artykuły
in polish: books, albums, articles
naparstki o ciekawych formach
in polish: thimbles of interesting shapes
historie wytwórni porcelany - i nie tylko - w których powstają lub powstawały m.in. naparstki
in polish: histories of porcelain factories (and other factories too) in which, among other things, thimbles are or were produced
z czego mogą być zrobione naparstki, czyli nie tylko o porcelanie
in polish: what materials thimbles are made of - not only about porcelain
prezentacja miejsc związanych z naparstkami i nie tylko...
in polish: presenting places connected with thimbles and not only...
in polish: place where you can present thimbles, displays, etc. for sale
moja kolekcja w mediach, wywiady, YouTube, portale
in polish: my collection in media, interviews, YouTube, portalsMiejsca
prezentacja miejsc związanych z naparstkami i nie tylko...
in polish: presenting places connected with thimbles and not only...
obrazki i opisy okazów z mojej kolekcji
in polish: pictures and descriptions of thimbles from my collection
miejsce, gdzie można zaprezentować swoje naparstki, gablotki, itp. do sprzedaniain polish: pictures and descriptions of thimbles from my collection
historie związane z naparstkami, o tym, co na naparstku napisane, narysowane lub kształt jakiej postaci przyjął
in polish: thimble related stories, telling about what is written or painted on the thimble or what figure it takes its form after
in polish: thimble related stories, telling about what is written or painted on the thimble or what figure it takes its form after
Nazwy państw
naparstki, manufaktury, sygnatury z danego kraju
in polish: thimbles, manufactures, marks of particular country
wszelkie informacje takie, jak właśnie ta, czyli sprawy organizacyjne dotyczące bloga
in polish: blog organizational matters
in polish: place where you can present thimbles, displays, etc. for sale
informacje o naparstkowej drużynie polskich kolekcjonerów naparstków
in polish: information about thimble team of polish thimble collectors
in polish: information about thimble team of polish thimble collectors
o tym niezwykłym materiale
in polish: about this unique material
podarunki od rodziny i znajomych
in polish: gifts from family and friends
oryginalne pudełka od naparstków
in polish: original thimble boxes
podarunki od rodziny i znajomych
in polish: gifts from family and friends
oryginalne pudełka od naparstków
in polish: original thimble boxes
o seriach/kolekcjach naparstków
in polish: about thimble series/collections
co słychać na stronie internetowej mojej kolekcji
in polish: what's going on my collection website
in polish: what's going on my collection website
zdjęcia, opisy, datowanie sygnatur
in polish: photos, descriptions, dating of marks
informacje o klubach kolekcjonerów naparstków, certyfikaty, zdjęcia
in polish: information about thimble collectors clubs, certyficates, photos
in polish: information about thimble collectors clubs, certyficates, photos
o moim drugim blogu
in polish: about my second blog
in polish: about my second blog
naparstki dla Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy
in polish: thimbles for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Polish charity foundation)
in polish: thimbles for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Polish charity foundation)
naparstkowe wymianki
in polish: thimble swaps
ciekawe wzory, między innymi ręcznie malowane naparstki
in polish: original decorations, e.g. hand-painted thimbles