Kochani! Bardzo serdecznie zapraszam Was na festiwal LUDZI POZYTYWNIE ZAKRĘCONYCH, który odbędzie się 23 maja na dziedzińcu zamku Żupnego w Wieliczce już po raz czwarty. Jednocześnie, gorąco dziękuję Organizatorom imprezy za zaproszenie. Niestety, ze względu na długą trasę, jaką musiałaby przebyć moja delikatna kolekcja nie będę mogła wziąć udziału w festiwalu.
Bardzo liczę na Wasze relacje i zapraszam w imieniu Organizatorów.
This is the high time to set a door ajar to amazing Japanese porcalain This porcelain is deligthful thanks to its decorations, but also thanks to variety of shapes. The majority of thimbles you can see below is a piece of art expressed in inconspicuous forms. Hand-painted with tiny brushes they enrapture with beauty and subtlety of patterns and indisputable mastery of work.
The first thimble from the Country of Cherry Blossoms in my collection has been a minimalistic "cupcake" thimble (porcelain thimble Cake, Noritake - Japan). The thimble is devoid of decorations - except for a golden pigment on the edge - actually, but it fascinates with its characteristic shape.
I have also two extraordinary thimbles made by Fukagawa manufacture. Both are hand-painted using an original techinique which makes pictures a little bit fuzzy (porcelain thimble Butterfly, Fukagawa - Japan, porcelain thimble Iris, Fukagawa - Japan).
Iris' flowers is one of the most popular floristic motives, not only in Japanese pattern-designing, but in other coutries as well. The second Japanese factory using this motive, but in completely other style, is Kiyomasa (porcelain thimble Irises, Kiyomasa - Japan). This thimble is glistening. There are many gildings on it, but these are very subtle and we do not have an impression of splendour thanks to it.
Next thimble is the specimen called mysteriously "a kohshi flower" (porcelain thimble Kohshi flower, Yachiyo - Japan). It is unique with regard for its shape (hexagon base), but interesting also bacause of its beautiful, hand-painted decoration. The sides are decorated alternatively with a symetric pattern and a picture of bird of paradise sitting on a red flower.
Among Japanese porcelain decorations must be a place for animals. My two, favourite thimbles are: the first - with Mandarin ducks (porcelan thimble Mandarin ducks, Akemi - Japan) and the second - with panda bear family (porcelain thimble Panda family, Marutoyo - Japan). Both have untypical shapes. They are quite small and their tops are crowned by convex discs. The thimble with bird's motive has also a choppy edge.
One of the most original thimbles, not only among Japanese ones, but in a whole collection, is a black Damascene thimble (porcelain thimble Damascene, Moriken - Japan). It is charactetistic thanks to very striking, gold picture against the black background. Particular brush strokes are clearly visible and the whole painting consists from very little lines only and the effect is awesome.
One of my favourites is also a thimble with Japanese ladies (porcelain thimble Japanese ladies, Rozan - Japan). Quite big diameter increases a side area and it was possible to put few, very tiny pictures presenting Japanese ladies. It is hard to say if it is just a fashion show or maybe something more , but regardless of the author's intentions the thimble makes a great impression.
I hope I have shown you the beauty of thimbles colleting a little bit. Just look at those little pictures, knowing that they are hand-painted and that dimensions of the thimble above are: 2,5 x 2,2 cm.
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Pictures used in this article are my property.
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In the article about Český Porcelán Dubí I presented you one of the thimbles with characteristic "onion pattern". Today I will tell you shortly about a history and a look of a decoration called "cibulák".
From the very beginning, this characteristic, blue ornament against white porcelain background has been called "onion pattern" ("cibulák"). This style origins from South Asia where similar decorations were made for the first time. And than it has been adapted to European conditions.
The "onion pattern" has been named like that because of a wrong interpretation of a one of ornament's elements - a fruit of pomegranate - which is similar in its shape to onion. "Onion pattern" porcelain is manufactured by Český Porcelán. "Cibulák" has a characteristic motives' arrangement in the whole pattern which I will show you below.
On the right side of the central motive it is put a chrysanthemum flower similar to its Asian prototype - lotus flower. From its root a branch with a big, open flower and a little bud is sprouting. According to Asian tradition this flower is a symbol of time.
On the left side a thin, bamboo brach twisted around by a blossoming creeper (similar to liana or bindweed) is placed. It is a symbol of unity. Unequivocal, botanical identyfication of this species is impossible.
A cental part of the main motive is a double-serrated leaf. This part of ornament with a flower above is called "peony bush" which is a symbol of well-being, loftiness and growth.
A framing between central ornament - called "Schakiako" - and fruits on the edge of a plate is localized in a groove of a product. The flower of lotus divides a creeper into four parts.
On the edge, the first of "blessed fruits" is placed. The shape of a fruit and its joint with three branches is - according to Chinese patterns - clearly similar to a peach. This part of the ornament is a sign of immortality or - at least - long life.
A second "blessed fruit" is also situated on the edge. This fruit is richly decorated, rather stylized pomegranate. It is a motive well known as a decorative detail in ceramics.
Writing this article I used information and pictures found at Český porcelán Dubí web site.
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I kindly ask for not using my articles and photos without permission.
If you have any questions, just write me.
At the beginning I would like to show a Chinese thimble produced in a typical for this country decorative technology called cloisonne* (filling a metal frame with colour pigments).
This thimble is completely useless with regard to its shape (a humming bird sitting on the top of the thimble) and also with regard to its huge (for a thimble) dimensions (metal thimble Humming bird - China).
China enchants with characteristic and absolutely beautiful patterns, but first of all it is worth to pay attention to atypical materials of which thimbles are made. It is not so easy to find porcelain thimbles dominating in other countries (porcelain thimble Chineses - China).
A great part of my Chinese collection constitute thimbles made of cloisonne method - mentioned above and many shapes are presented among them, from those traditional - utilitarian with hollows and no enamel layer on the bottom (metal thimble Panda bear - China, metal thimble Bird of paradise - China), through those with funny shapes and little, not enameled patch on the bottom (metal thimble Cat - China, metal thimble Owl - China), to forms which make it impossible to using those peculiat equipment for sewing purposes (such as a thimble with humming bird).
I wrote about atypical materials and below you will find examples of thimbles made of stones: black jade (stone thimbles Black monkey - China), green jade (stone thimble Green frog - China), syntetic turquoise (turquoise thimble Turquoise turtle - China, turquoise thimble Dragonfly - China) and buffalo bone - thimbles of very impressive dimensions (bone thimble Large dragon - China).
Last but not least - completely atypical for Chinease works - ceramics specimen. As a matter of fact, it is a figurine with a hole but sold as a thimble. In my collection I have three such curiosities. You can see one of them below (ceramics thimble Cat in a bag - China).
* cloisonne:
A technique for decorating metalwork objects. It is very popular way of various products manufacturing in China and not only. The oldest works made in this technique came from the end of a second century B.C. and they have been found in Cyprus.
Cloisonne consists in creation of a metal form through soldering thin metal stripes (which form a pattern) to a smooth thimble. Then, spaces between stripes are being filled with colour enamels. Various forms (such as vases, flowerpots, plates, figurines and thimbles as well) are manufactured this way. Besides thimbles like this one above, utilitarian thimbles are also made in this techique. Such specimens are decorated around and the bottom is perforated and without enamel coat.
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Pictures used in this article are my property.
I kindly ask for not using my articles and photos without permission.
If you have any questions, just write me.
Na dobry początek przestawiam chiński naparstek wykonany w typowej dla tego kraju technice zdobniczej cloisonne* (emalia komórkowa - technika polegająca na uzupełnianiu kolorowymi barwnikami przestrzeni na metalowym stelażu).
Naparstek zupełnie nieużytkowy ze względu na swój kształt, a konkretnie umieszczonego na szczycie ogromnego kolibra, a także ze wględu na gigantyczne (jak na naparstek) rozmiary (metalowy naparstek Koliber - Chiny).
Chiny oczarowują charakterystycznym i absolutnie przepięknym wzornictwem, ale przede wszystkim warto zwrócić uwagę na nietypowe materiały, z jakich wykonywane są naparstki. Wcale nie tak łatwo spotkać się można z dominującymi w innych krajach naparstkami porcelanowymi (porcelanowy naparstek Chińczycy - Chiny).
Znakomitą część mojego chińskiego zbioru stanowią naparstki wykonane - wspomnianą już powyżej - techniką cloisonne, a posród nich odnaleźć można rozmaite formy, od tych tradycyjnych - użytkowych, które mają na wierzchu zagłębienia i nie są na tej części pokryte emalią (metalowy naparstek Miś panda - Chiny, metalowy naparstek Rajski ptak - Chiny), przez takie o zabawnych kształtach, które na wierzchu mają tylko nieemaliowaną łatkę (metalowy naparstek Kotek - Chiny, metalowy naparstek Sowa - Chiny), do kształtów całkowicie eliminujących wykorzystanie tego osobliwego sprzętu do szycia (jak naparstek z kolibrem).


Pisałam o nietypowych materiałach, jakie Chińczycy wykorzystują do produkcji naparstków, poniżej znajdziecie znakomite przykłady wykorzystania w tym celu kamieni: czarnego żadu (kamienny naparstek Czarna małpa - Chiny), zielonego żadu (kamienny naparstek Zielona żaba - Chiny), syntetycznego turkusu (turkusowy naparstek Turkusowy żółw - Chiny, turkusowy naparstek Ważka - Chiny), a także kości bawolej, z której wytwarzane są naparstki o wyjątkowo imponujących gabarytach (kościany naparstek Wielki smok - Chiny).
Na zakończenie - zupełnie nietypowy dla twórczości chińskiej - okaz ceramiczny. Właściwie jest to figurka z otworem, w sprzedaży funkcjonująca jednak jako naparstek. W moim zbiorze posiadam trzy takie cuda, poniżej prezentuję jedno z nich (ceramiczny naparstek Kot w torebce - Chiny).
* cloisonne:
Technika zdobnicza cloisonne zwana inaczej emalią komórkową stanowi niezywkle popularny sposób wytwarzania rozmaitych przedmiotów w Chinach i nie tylko. Jedne z najstarszych przedmiotów wykonanych w tej technice pochodzą z końca drugiego tysiąclecia przed naszą erą, a odnaleziono je na Cyprze.
Cloisonne polega na stworzeniu metalowego stelaża, poprzez przylutowanie do gładkiego naparstka cienkich prążków metalowych, które utworzą wzór. Następnie, przestrzenie pomiędzy takimi metalowymi drucikami wypełniane są różnokolorową emalią. W taki sposób powstają rozmaite formy, jak wazy, wazony, talerze, rozmaite figurki, a także naparstki. Oprócz takich naparstków, jak ten prezentowany powyżej, w technice cloisonne powstają także naparstki jak najbardziej użytkowe, które zdobione są dokoła, natomiast wierzch jest dziurkowany i pozbawiony emalii.
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Zdrowych, Spokojnych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy